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Monday, January 26, 2015

It's Science Project Time!

Mrs. Cureton's Principles of Physics classes are currently reviewing the Scientific Method in preparation for their science projects that are due on March 2, 2015.

Students will watch videos about testing popcorn that has been soaked in water or dried in the oven, and about the cohesive force of water molecules and how it affects the number of drops of water that can be held on a coin.

Project ideas may be found in the textbook, where each chapter has several Mini Labs that can be used as an experiment. Also recommended is the website sciencebuddies.org, where students can find a list of projects from the various branches of science. All projects must be approved by Mrs. Cureton, for safety reasons.

Students are allowed to work with a partner, as long as they are in the same class period. Any students may enter their project in the Mineral Area College science fair, which will be held on Friday, April 10, 2015. Application forms for MAC must be given to Mrs. Cureton by March 13.