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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Biology -- Syllabus


1. Course Description:
Biology is the study of all living things. Subject matter will include ecology, cell theory, genetics and heredity, man's effect on the earth's resources, and the scientific method. There will be activities and laboratory opportunities to reinforce understanding. Learning is checked after each lesson with objective and section questions. Worksheets are provided for reinforcement. At the end of each section, outcomes are measured with an objective evaluation. A science project will be required to emphasize steps of the scientific method.

Objectives to be covered include:

*Biology: the study of life
*Ecology: communities and biomes, population biology, biological diversity and conservation
*The Cell: chemistry of cells, structure and function of cells, cellular transport, cell cycle, energy within a cell
*Genetics: mitosis/meiosis, DNA and genes, heredity, human genetics, genetic technology
*The Scientific Method: observe/question, research, hypothesize, experiment, collect data, organize data, revise hypothesis/draw conclusions

End Of Course Test score.**

2. Instructional Philosophy:
Course material will be read aloud and discussed in class. Students will have assignments almost every day. They will be given some time in class to work on assignments, in case they have questions. There will be some partner and group work. Some hands-on activities will be done in the classroom, and for others, students will go to the science lab.

Students must pass a lab safety test and wear proper clothing and shoes before they will be allowed to participate in lab activities.

*Grading will be based on Tests (1/4), Daily Assignments (1/2), and Participation (1/4).

*Tests will be mainly objective rather than essay. Daily assignments are due the same day if time allows, or at the beginning of class the next day. Late assignments will be graded at half credit, or students may make up the work in PATHS for 80% credit. Participation grades are based on attendance, bringing materials (text, paper, and pencil) every day, participation in activities and discussion, and behavior that does not violate classroom rules. The participation grade is worth 5 points per day, all or nothing.

**The End of Course Test score will count as 20% of the student’s 4th quarter grade.**

3. Major Course Goals:

*Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms
-Predict movement of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane
-Compare and contrast movement of molecules across a semi-permeable membrane based on the energy needed for movement
-Predict patterns of inheritance, using Mendelian genetics, in a monohybrid cross
-Identify and describe cell structures and functions, the processes of mitosis and meiosis, diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, and how daughter cells compare to parent cells
-Describe interrelationships between photosynthesis and respiration, and factors that affect both processes
-Describe the chemical and structural properties of DNA, and recognize the DNA codes for proteins, which are expressed as inherited characteristics in organisms

*Changes in Ecosystems and Interactions of Organisms with Their Environment
-Explain and predict energy flow within a food web
-Describe symbiotic relationships and how the addition or removal of a given species can affect an ecosystem
-Identify and explain limiting factors (biotic and abiotic) that affect carrying capacity
-Hypothesize how a given species adapts or reacts to environmental changes
-Explain how the natural selection process is related to environmental changes or species adaptation

*Scientific Inquiry
-Design an experiment, formulate a testable hypothesis, collect and analyze data, draw conclusions
-Identify constants, variables, proper laboratory tools and techniques, factors that influence the reliability of results
-Formulate and interpret data tables and graphs of quantitative data gathered in a scientific experiment

4. A+ Core Competencies:
*Discuss the importance of genetic technology in society, and form an opinion about ethical issues caused by such technology.
*Discuss and provide examples of the three types of symbiotic relationships found in the environment
*Compare and contrast the structures of plant and animal cells. Draw and label a typical plant cell and a typical animal cell.

Students will discuss the core competency material, complete a study guide, and take a quiz on the competencies. They should pass at 90%, or may be required to take the quiz over again until 90% is reached.

5. Major Course Projects and Instructional Activities:
*A science project worth 200 points will be required during 3rd Quarter.
*20% of the 4th quarter grade will come from the End Of Course Test score.**

6. Classroom Expectations:
*Be on time and in assigned seat when bell rings
*Have book, pencil, paper ready. If not, students will not earn the participation points for that day
*No gum, candy, food, or drink allowed in classroom
*Work not turned in at the beginning of class on the day after it is due will be graded for half credit

7. Supplies and Materials Needed:
Notebook/paper, pencil/pen, assigned text, calculator, science project board (3rd Quarter)

8. Homework Policy and Grading Scale:
*Most work is due the day it is assigned, as time is allowed in class.
*Work not turned in at the beginning of class the day after it is due
will be graded for half credit.
*Assignments with grades under 60% may be done again in PATHS
to be graded at 80% credit (per PATHS policy).
*Very few, if any, bonus points are offered during the year.


100-97 A
96-93 A-
92-90 B+
89-85 B
84-82 B-
81-78 C+
77-71 C
68-70 C-
67-66 D+
65-63 D
62-60 D-
59-00 F

9. Extra Help:
*The school PATHS program operates from 3:00-5:00 each afternoon,
Monday-Thursday. Science day is on Tuesday.
*With advance notice, I can stay after school from 3:00-4:00 most
days if a student needs individual help on a specific science topic.

10. Time and Place to be Reached by Parents:

Telephone: (573) 562-7521
Plan Time: 9:09-9:59 2nd hour
Email: kcureton@westco.k12.mo.us

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