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Thursday, March 18, 2010

EHC-Course Syllabus


1. Course Description:
The EHC Program has been established to assist those students who are failing core subjects. These students may be at risk of dropping out of school or not graduation on time, due to lack of credits.

This assistance will come in the form of individual or group tutoring in the core subjects, as well as instruction in study skills such as organization, listening, note-taking, test-taking, time management, and learning styles. The teacher will monitor students' work with the core teachers in an effort to prevent missing assignments and failing grades.

2. Instructional Philosophy:
Students will bring assignments from their core class subjects such as language, algebra, history, and science. They will work on the assignments and get one-on-one help from the teacher as needed. This help could be in various forms, such as checking over answers on completed assignments, working out algebra problems step-by-step, reviewing for tests, using chapter headings to find answers to questions, planning best use of time to complete multiple assignments, etc.

Students can only get out of the EHC program what they put into it. For example, if they do not ask for help or make an effort to complete core class assignments correctly, the program can not help them improve their grades.

3. Major Course Goals:
*Students will acquire knowledge and skills to gather, understand, analyze, and apply information and ideas.
*Students will acquire knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
*Students will acquire knowledge and skills to recognize and solve problems.
*Students will acquire knowledge and skills to make decisions and act as responsible members of society.

4. A+ Core Competencies:
*Evaluate the accuracy of information and the reliability of its source.
*Examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives.
*Explain reasoning and identify information used to support decisions.

During instruction, students will discuss the core competency material, complete a study guide, and take a quiz on the competencies. They should pass at 90%, or may be required to take the quiz over again until 90% is reached.

5. Major Course Projects and Instructional Activities:
EHC does not require a course project, but can assist students with projects in core classes, such as a research paper or science project. Instructional activities include one-on-one and small group work in core subjects.

6. Classroom Expectations:

*Bring core class assignments that require completion or extra help
*Use class time to finish core assignments, and ask for help if needed
*If all assignments are caught up, use time to read so others are not disturbed

7. Supplies and Materials Needed:
Notebook/paper, pencil/pen, core class materials and assignments

8. Homework Policy and Grading Scale:
*No homework will be assigned in EHC.
*Grades are based on attendance, bringing core assignments, completing work, asking for help.
*Students can earn 5 points per day, with a weekly grade of 25 points possible.


9. Extra Help:
Extra help for core subjects is the purpose of EHC. Students should use EHC class time for individual help, or rely on the afterschool PATHS program, which operates from 3:00-5:00 each afternoon, Monday-Thursday.

10. Time and Place to be Reached by Parents:

Telephone: (573) 562-7521
Plan Time: 9:09-9:59, 2nd hour
Email: kcureton@westco.k12.mo.us

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